Privacy policy regarding personal data

Interactiv’ Technologies considers the protection of your personal data to be of great importance.

By means of this policy, we wish to inform our customers and prospects (“You”) of the means implemented and the purposes pursued in the context of the collection of your personal data, in accordance with the regulations in effect in France and within the European Union.

This policy applies to all of the services offered by Interactiv’ Technologies (“We”). Any product or service offered by Interactiv’ Technologies may be supplemented by specific rules.

You can contact us at any time at the following e-mail address:

1. Publisher

Interactiv’ Technologies

  • Headquarters : 5 allée des Séquoias, 69760 Limonest, FRANCE
  • Telephone : 09 70 24 89 90
  • Legal representative : M. Christian ROUSSET
  • Director of publication : M. Christian ROUSSET
2. General principales

When you browse our website, you may be asked to provide us with personal data. At Interactiv’ Technologies, we are committed to fully respecting the trust you place in us and to comply with the current French law on “Information Technology and Civil Liberties” in the collection and management of your personal data.

3. When do we process data?

Your data is collected and processed when you fill in one or more forms on our website or on our various software solutions (Interactiv’ Doc, Interactiv’ Pod, Interactiv’ DataBase, Interactiv’ Publisher and others).

4. What category of data do we process?

Personal data includes your company name, your identity and your contact details: company, surname, first name, email, telephone, title, position, address, postcode, city, country.

For what purposes are the data collected?

Your data is collected for the need of the services offered by Interactiv’ Technologies.
This website allows, via our online contact forms, to receive requests for quotes, demonstrations and tests from Internet users; the data collected on this occasion are recorded in a database of prospects.

6. To whom are they transmitted?

The processed data are exclusively destined to Interactiv’ Technologies for those collected within the context of the company’s commercial relations.

Those collected through the use of Interactiv’ Technologies’ products are made available exclusively to the users of our solutions.

The access to the personal data of the user is reserved to the persons authorized by the person in charge of the treatment who must reach it because of their mission and for its accomplishment.

In addition, the authorized persons are subject to the strict confidentiality of all the personal data relating to the users of which they become aware during the performance of their duties.

7. How long are your data stored?

The data is kept for a fixed period of 10 years from the end of the business relationship.

8. Where are they stored?

The processed data is stored on our internal software tools.

9. What are your rights?

Interactiv’ Technologies website is committed to strictly respecting the trust you place in us regarding the use of personal information that you may communicate to us while browsing our website. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act and the General Regulations on Data Protection, all users have the right to access, modify, correct and delete any personal information that they provide to Interactiv’ Technologies:

  • the right of access to your personal data;
  • the right to rectify and delete personal data;
  • the right to object to the processing of their personal data on legitimate grounds;
  • the right to limit the processing of your personal data;
  • the right of transfer of personal data;
  • a right to define guidelines for the storage, deletion and communication of their personal data after his death.

In addition, the law “Informatique et Libertés” imposes obligations on users of personal data. It is reminded that before any collection and use of personal data, the person in charge of processing must inform the persons to whom it relates of the purpose for which it is to be used.

To find out more about your rights:

10. What security measures have been implemented?

In order to guarantee the security of our users’ data, we take every necessary precaution, whether physical, logistical, administrative or organisational, in view of the nature of the data that we process and the risks presented by the various processing operations, to preserve the security of the data and prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties.

These measures include:

  • the management of authorisations for data access
  • the confidentiality of exchanges ensured by an SSL protocol
11. Cookies on our website

For your information, we use cookies on our website.

12. Update of the data protection policy

The Privacy Policy is subject to change or modification at any time.

Last modification: February 09, 2021